Friday, 31 January 2014

Some interesting fact about whales:
1. Whale can only last approximately 15 minutes underwater, before they need to resurface for air.
2. Blubber (whale fat) is usually around 30cm thick!
3. Killer whales or Orcas, are actually part of the dolphin family.
4. The rarest species of whale is the Spade - Toothed Beaked Whale. Scientists know have have seen very little of this particular species of whale.
5. There are over 80 species of whale around the world.
6. Whales only give birth to one calf at a time.
7. Whales breath through blowholes on their backs, not through their mouths.
8. Sperm whales can hold their breath for up to an hour, as they hunt much deeper in the ocean than other species of whale.
9. The long spiralled 'horn' on a Narwhals head is actually a tooth.
10. A Blue Whale's call can travel almost a 100 miles underwater.

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